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Regarding the backlog in the analysis of applications, namely in referring to the Golden Visa program, the government recognized the delays. It announced on October 30, 2023, that it is expected that this matter will be dealt with as a priority, which we assume means additional resources will be put in place to correct this situation with urgency. Also, creating the new entity will not impact your Golden visa application. The files under SEF analysis will be transferred automatically to the new entity.

We would like to update you on recent developments related to the new agency called AIMA - Agência para a Integração, Migrações e Asilo (Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum) – that entered into operation last Sunday, October 29th, 2023, following the decree-law published on June 2nd, 2023, that established the replacement of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF).

The creation of AIMA meets the government's aim of a new paradigm in terms of foreigner integration. This new Agency embodies the separation of police and administrative functions in order to implement new policies to improve the quality and access to the services and reinforce the trust and credibility in the Portuguese public system.

According to AIMA's statutes, published on 27th October in the Portuguese Diário da República, "the governance model determined here brings about a paradigm shift in the way the Public Administration relates to foreign citizens, whether in their entry and stay in national territory, or their reception and integration, as well as in the fight against racism and the integration of ethnic groups, improving the quality of public services, with efficiency gains, and of the resources allocated to them, maximizing synergies and boosting their results."

The Agency will strongly invest in digital infrastructure and human resources, which is particularly relevant considering it is taking up office with a high number of pending applications’ analysis, being one of its initial priorities, particularly in cases involving family reunification. In this regard, a specific operation will be launched in the first quarter of next year to deal with the backlog.

In addition, an AIMA Contact Center will be set up, as well as the installation of specific offices, resulting in the expansion of its physical presence in the Portuguese territory.

In summary, the main medium-term actions of this new agency are as follows:

  • Development and availability of the AIMA Portal;
  • Mega operation to recover 347,000 pending applications;
  • Strategic plan for the promotion of the Portuguese language among migrants.

We emphasize that no action will be required from the Investors, and we only anticipate positive effects with this amendment. We strongly believe that these changes occurring in this field will bring more efficiency to Portuguese immigration programs and will benefit those whose processes are pending.

We are available to clarify and expand on any of the matters outlined.

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